
Dear Pythonistas,

December came fast, and it is time for ThaiPy. This month the event will be one week earlier. On December the 1st we will be expecting you all at aCommerce to enjoy the following talks:

"Forms without frameworks" - Jean Jordaan

Jean will explain how to create some common forms using YAFOWIL, take a look under the hood to see how it fits together, and how it can be extended or customised.

"Reverse engineering your AIS living room" - Javier Gonel

Javier will show how to reverse engineer the AIS playbox using python and how to reproduce it's functionality creating a python plugin in Kodi.

RSVP here. And do not forget to tell your friends, colleagues, relatives and acquittances.

Reminder: aCommerce will sponsor and host the event so it will be at emquartier on the 1st Dec, Thursday.

RSVP @ https://www.meetup.com/ThaiPy-Bangkok-Python-Meetup/events/234664443/

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