
~Don’t miss out on this great opportunities!
~Send your information and resume to careers@muzeinnovation.com

Android Developer (Muze Android Team)
- Android Lover (Like the Green Robo and desserts)
- Ability to creature the news and coolest things
- Friendly
- Discipline.
- Has Android development skills.
iOS Developer (Muze iOS Team)
-Like to eat an “Apple”
-Respect the Steve Job (Only good things!)
-Creativity & Inspiration
-Writable in iOS programming

Web Developer (Muze Web Dev. Team)
-Have a knowledge in new web technologies
-HTML5 nd CCS development skill as minimum requirements.
-NoSQL and other RDBMS skills
-Creativity & Fast learning Curve
-Friendly & Team works

Send your information to:
Email: careers@muzeinnovation.com, info@mymuze.me
Company details:

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