
Hello all,

I have a question regarding the status of web hosts in thailand.

I run a website where roughly 90% of the traffic is from thailand. I intend to put in a lot of rich media, videos and other streaming videos. even though 90% visit from thailand, it is the inter visits which generates the revenue. I run my own server colocated in Malaysia (ping from True ADSL 45 ms)

The website is based on php and mysql and is runing on a win2k3(with apache) box (which i will change to Linux probably FC6) will make things a little faster i presume.

Now I am considering moving the box to Thailand and need some inputs regarding the following points. Looking for your experiences of hosting in thailand, do mention which datacenter you use.

  • 1) How good is the domestic bandwidth? Ping times from adsl to datacenter? and any bandwidth limitations?
  • 2) How good is the domestic bandwidth? Any upload/download capping?
  • 3) Is there a difference in the accessibility of the website from international sources goes down? It is very very important for me that when googlebot and other crawlers visit my site it should be a fast access to them, no network down, etc.
  • 4) What is the average uptime (domestic and inter)
  • 5) Pricing? Currently for malaysia web host i am paying US$50/Month for 1U rack space, 10 Mbps connectivity to shared backbone.

Also need some advice... if i were to ship the physical server from kuala lumpur to bangkok, what are the charges for customs? It is a 2 year old box, i dont think it can sell for even 50k baht now.. .anyone shipped server hardware to thailand before?

- Sajal Kayan

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By: meddlesome on 11 April 2007 - 00:23 #20487

90% = Thailand Colocation in Thailand is best answer.

Pricing Colocation in Thailand start at 1500THB/Month for 1 U and there're 100 Mbps. at least

but some datacenter capping bandwidth for international. Please check with your datacenter ------------------- meddlesome.tech.blog

By: love on 11 April 2007 - 20:51 #20579

I recommend you to move your server to CAT IDC because CAT have biggest NIX(for local) and biggest IIG(for inter) in thailand. Every ISPs have to connect with CAT's NIX. I have ever asked technical support of CAT IDC, he said CAT IDC connect to local about 20 GB from data center room to CAT's NIX.

You can see more details in Thailand Internet Map

I also can tell you about pricing. I think pricing at CAT IDC is suitable. I mean that it's not cheapest but its infrastructor is very good. I have ever been in other data center which was cheaper CAT IDC but the place is not good and not secure. The pricing is also slightly cheaper than CAT IDC.

P.S. I also have my server in CAT IDC more than year. In my opinion, transaction from CAT IDC to local(at Lampoon) is nearly as same as in Bangkok.

You can see more details of CAT IDC in CAT IDC

By: sajalkayan on 11 April 2007 - 22:02 #20587

Thanks a lot for your replies meddlesom and love.

@love, can i have your website name or IP address? I want to test some ping tests from a few inter locations. How much inter and domestic bandwidth are you using currently? The pricing is a little steep compared to what i am currently paying, but services looks ok.

- Sajal Kayan

By: love on 18 April 2007 - 04:26 #20944 Reply to:20587

That's ok. my ip is . Sorry to reply you lately because I go for long holidays(songkran's day) at Khao yai. I wish you will meet good bandwidth and better in Malaysia. ^-^